Saturday, June 20, 2015

Medicine and Gluten

So I'm sure many others know or knew this but it came as a bit of a surprise to me.  Apparently prescription medicines may contain gluten, especially generics.

I ran out of a medicine a couple weeks ago.  For various reasons I never got it refilled or picked it up at the pharmacy.  I just went without.  Having changed my diet and overall feeling better now that Summer has arrived I almost was going to just stop it.  But I was convinced that I should still include all medications as part of living healthy.  After refilling the prescription a couple of days ago I quickly noticed that I was not feeling well.  A lot of gastric distress is a polite way to put it.

Some quick googling and it may be that the medicine actually contains gluten.  It's a generic, as it is the law that you get generic versions of drugs unless the doctor demands brand name.  (It's another long and technical economic story but that is part of the reason why prescription drugs cost so much.) It is difficult to find out what actually goes into medicines but from what I have seen so far it may have gluten in it.  Or it may not depending on the web page you google.  My symptoms seem to be abating so I may just chalk it up to adjusting to being back on the medicine.  Yet it makes me think of just how much around us contains things that can harm us.  I would not think gluten went into making pills, but apparently it can.

As an aside I tried some new bath products, shampoos, soaps, etc.  These were natural and contain tea tree oil.  Now I am not trying to go all hippie granola, but change can be good.  Or not when I finally look and see that shampoo and stuff have wheat germ in it.  I do not have Celiac's, just a gluten sensitivity.   This might not affect me.  I am not sure I want to find out.  Just another example of how so much in life is impacted by food sensitivity.

I am not saying that the whole world is out to get you, but there are some days where that is more believable.  It's sad I have to check the labels on absolutely everything, not just food.  Being better requires eternal vigilance.

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